The Way of the Short Sword

From the jungles of Southeast Asia, to the barrios of the Dominican Republic, to the inner city streets of the United States, the machete has a fascinating, diverse and disturbing history as more than just a tool. Freedom fighters and criminals alike have adopted their indigenous blades as inexpensive and readily available weapons for generations. 

Presented here is a simple and highly functional methodology for utilizing these common blades as tools for home defense. In this immersive series you will learn the strategy and methods of striking, defending, and countering with the short sword. 

Example Curriculum

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Scott Babb is a lifelong martial artist and the founder of Libre Fighting, the most widely recognized knife-based combat system in the world today. He is considered one of the world’s leading and most innovative voices on the subject of knife combat. Scott has worked with members of various security, military, special forces, and law enforcement groups in the United States and Mexico, and his system is trained by military, special forces, and security teams all over the world. 

Scott Babb's work has been featured on, CNN Indonesia, Recoil Concealment, Blade Magazine, and in Tactical Knives Magazine. Additionally, he is the author of Finding Libre — My Life in the Martial Arts,   Tao of the Reaper, Rough Edges — a Literary “F*ck You", The Prince and the Disciple — Machiavellian Leadership in the Modern Age, Notes on Knife Fighting, and Libre Fighting Blackjack.

There are currently 120+ Libre Fighting chapters spread across 25 countries.